#333 App-Integration with Andrew Fischer
Design TalkSeries
Dirk and David are joined by Andrew Fischer, lead designer of the Cosmere RPG. In this first of two interviews, the crew discusses Andrew’s career, from working at Fantasy Flight Games to being the lead designer of the world’s biggest Kickstarter game. Topics include the pros and cons of app-integration for games, surprise elements in RPGs, and the GM-less nature of games like Gloomwood.
Episode Outline
0:00 Beginning of Show
1:05 End of Intro
3:54 Talk about “Chaos”
6:03 Takeaways from Andrew’s Experiences
11:16 App-Integrated Games
17:12 Best App-Integration
23:32 Moving from Fantasy Flight Games
26:33 What Didn’t Work?
39:28 Surprise in RPGs
44:49 Designing for the Biggest Kickstarter Ever
48:22 Advice for Listeners
50:23 Outro
In this Episode
Andrew Fischer - @AFischerGames, https://andrewfischergames.com/
David V. Heron - @davidvheron
Dirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer